Power in the “P”
According to Brian Tracy, there are 7 Ps you should use to evaluate your performance. And as he puts it; products, markets, and needs change rapidly; it would be helpful to use these 7 Ps to continually stay on track. Product; develop the habit of looking at your product as though you are an outside […]
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Benefits of Primary and secondary online education in Nigeria. (with Infographic)
Online learning is revolutionizing the way the world learns. It has the potential to dramatically expand the educational opportunities of students everywhere, largely overcoming the geographic and demographic restrictions. Can this also take place in Africa? Why not? Technology is Africa’s hope, our most likely chance of competing on a global scale regardless of how […]
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Promoting Individuality
What is Individuality? The dictionary defines it as; the quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes them from others of the same kind, especially when strongly marked. separate existence. Why has it been watered down in our society? Why does everyone like the same things, have the same hobbies, wear the […]
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