CEOs Who Meditate
This post was originally published on The science is pretty much settled. The overwhelming medical evidence shows that meditation is hugely beneficial for the mind and body. It helps lower stress, treats anxiety/depression, increases brain processing power, increases emotional control and resiliency, and lowers blood pressure. So it’s no wonder that many people are […]
Read MoreThe Ultimate Self-Care Ritual
The Ultimate Self-Care Ritual Give yourself permission to practice self-care rituals that prioritize your own standards of happiness. In today’s busy, over-stimulated world, taking the time to slow down can often feel overly indulgent and unproductive, but it’s actually the opposite. Allowing yourself the time and space to rest and revive is one of the […]
Read MoreThe Mental Health Benefits of Self-Care
Additional resources: A guide about guarding mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Coronavirus financial relief programs and tips. What’s “healthy,” after all? In U.S. society, it seems health is often equated with tan lines, thigh gaps, summer bodies, and other impossible physical standards. Granted, exercise has been shown to lower stress, ease anxiety, […]
Read MoreFocus on Your Truth
Who Am I What is your truth? What do you stand for? What are the things you consider important, the things you can put your all in? What do you truly like to do, if we didn’t need money to function, but had to work, what would you choose to do? Most of us go […]
Read More11 Things I Learned From Failure
We all experience setbacks in our relationships, businesses, academics and various aspects of life. There was a time failure was popularly seen as shameful, but thankfully, these days it is more often considered as a learning mechanism, especially in the business world, due to testimonies from successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, […]
Read More4 Ways to Start Basic Self-Care Strategies
You are your own best advocate. That means that if you don’t take care of yourself, nobody else will. Most people today are run ragged by responsibilities from work, family, school, and more, so they don’t take the time to care for themselves. But it’s an important part of your life that should always be […]
Read MoreHow Can You Find Personal Growth Through Change?
Adapting to changes in our lives can inspire some serious personal growth. If you are preparing to make a change in your career, get back into school or tackle some other major life moment, you need to make sure self-care a part of your plan. But you may be wondering what self-care is and how […]
Read MoreWhat is Your Why?
“He who has a why can endure anyhow” Fredrick Nietzsche. Amanda Lang and Simon Sinek are most popular for evangelizing the “why” concept through their books “The Power of Why’ and “Start with Why” respectively. They also speak about it regularly. So what is this “why” concept? It’s basically about finding out your purpose for […]
Read MorePower in the “P”
According to Brian Tracy, there are 7 Ps you should use to evaluate your performance. And as he puts it; products, markets, and needs change rapidly; it would be helpful to use these 7 Ps to continually stay on track. Product; develop the habit of looking at your product as though you are an outside […]
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